A three-class pass for those needing consistency, community, accountability and momentum with their creative work.

Join us for any three of these twice-weekly, hour-long, online sessions that begin with a warm-up prompt and then open up into collective work sessions.

  • WHEN?

    Online weekly sessions run from:
    June 16th-August 18th, 2023

    Friday Lunch: 12-1pm EST

    Sunday Evening: 8:00-9:00pm EST

We know that once we begin our work, we'll be drawn into the world of our projects. But the biggest challenge is beginning and remaining committed to the time we've promised ourselves.

I’ve seen dozens of creatives find momentum, reconnection to their work, community and meaning through these spaces. And Summer (here in the Northern Hemisphere!) is an ideal time to lavish your work with attention. Summer is a time of blossoming and being seen, of long hours of sunlight, of being in nature and allowing the work to flow.

You have important creative work to do in the world, but carving out time for that work seems almost impossible!

That feeling you get when you’re finally in that flow state, when you’re right in the heart of that creative work is unlike any other. Honing that practice of showing up is a muscle you’re building. Of course you know that those flash insights, the deep peace and juicy ideation that comes through your practice is determined by your ability to show up consistently for it.


Everything else always seems more important, more urgent than carving out the time to refine your craft, advance your manuscript, spend time with that new skill or write that song. And, it doesn’t help that we are living in an age of distraction.

We see ourselves moving between disciplined structure and infinite flexibility as mutually necessary forces in our work.

We see how effective it is to set such miniscule goals that nothing can impede us from winning them. We see the impossibility of separating our emotional lives from the process of art making and begin to work with that reality. We bring awareness and acceptance to the way that the demands of caregiving and family life are like the tides, moving in and out on the shores of our time. We learn how to take that inner voice seriously when it says “stop looking at the screen, just take me for a walk!” or “have that hard conversation already!” We can distinguish between the times where we hear: “Write that grant! Go for it!” and “Don’t you dare write another grant, I’m so done.” All of it belongs in the chrysalis of showing up to our creative practice.

But the truth is...

Sinking into creative work is not a frill.

It is not a luxury you can only allow yourself once burnout hits.

Giving yourself over to the projects that are beckoning you is in no way a superficial pursuit.

Carving out the time for practice is a humble yet revolutionary act of creation, of investing in yourself and ultimately, of restitching the fabric of society.

And to do it alongside others, rather than within the individualistic framework of the society around us, is an act of energetic kinship, solidarity and connection.

Through the Making Sessions, our nervous systems are able to settle and focus together. The Making Sessions offer flexibility, structure and freedom to chart your own course.


I'll welcome everyone and within the first ten minutes, I'll lead the group
through a warm-up or a creative prompt. Even if you aren't coming in
with a writing practice, these prompts are there to pull you into that creative space. They're there as a warm up.

You're encouraged to make space and allow for however you're showing up that day and work with that.

The next 45 minutes are spent working individually or "alone together" online on our projects. Some people may choose to extend the prompt into a longer write or meditation, others will dive into their current project.

You are welcome to share what you're working on with others in the chat, but it's not required at all.

I'll close the space at the end and folks are welcome to share any reflections on their process.

Come as you are, come as you can. Pay for a three-pack here below. After you sign up, you'll receive the Zoom link in your inbox!

"Esther is such a phenomenal mix of creator and pragmatist, this really helped me think about how to functionally action my creative goals." - Katie

What I bring...

* Fifteen years of experience creating, guiding and facilitating creative processes and circles with youth, women and seniors from diverse populations and backgrounds.
* Fifteen years of experience carrying projects from that initial spark, through the messy middles into the vulnerability and triumph of sharing work in the world.
* Five years of partnership with teachers throughout the Toronto District School Board, four years of teaching at Toronto Colleges & Universities and developing e-learning courses for international clients.
* Experience accompanying creatives to develop their own passion projects, from documentary and narrative film to children's books. Developing programs alongside communities that have been marginalized, with the support of the Toronto Arts Council, Artreach Toronto, the Indigenous Screen Office and the Canada Council for the Arts.
* Some legit formal education: I hold a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Theatre Performance (Concordia) and a Master of Arts in Education (OISE/UofT)
* My own creative practice of daily writing and drawing, and the challenge of carving out time amidst work and motherhood. This practice is informed by both my professional training as an actor and writer, as well as by my staunch belief that everyone is here to create in some form. My work is informed by the cyclical nature of the seasons and the female body, my role as a mother, my insatiable curiosity for all things spiritual, the nobility of young people, the potential for collective community creation and the role of intergenerational trauma and healing.

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The Making Sessions - 3 Class Pass!

The Making Sessions - 3 Class Pass!

Regular price $53.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $53.00 CAD
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  • "This has been a time for consistent creative work, for sacredness and to be witnessed. It's felt so safe and the coziest most loving home."

    -Laura, fiber artist

  • "I'm coming out of this with a creative process that is more sustainable. I fully believe I can finish this screenplay now. Before, it seemed like I wouldn't get around to this for years, but I shifted my perspective: I'm not trying to climb Mount Everest, I'm actually just walking down a small bumpy path."

    -Vic, filmmaker

  • "I'm coming out of these sessions with 1 finished song, 1 almost finished song, what looks like an EP with 4-5 songs in progress and joy and satisfaction."

    -Debs, singer/songwriter

  • "I now have a more realistic and gentle understanding of my time and the place writing has in my life. This focused my thinking, like when the optometrist puts that huge metal thing in front of your face and turns dials and knobs and finally FINALLY you can see clearly!"

    -Sonjel, writer

  • "It’s rare that I share things until a first draft is finished because it feels important to protect the sanctity of the work as a thing that comes from me but here, the feedback I got was so valuable and helped me understand my own work better."

    -Debs, singer/songwriter

  • "I've learned that there are so many people out there that I can draw on as resources and accountability partners. That it can take as long as I need it to and that I CAN make my dream a reality even without any past experience."

    -Kim, musician/writer